What you need to know about next steps
This week and next: Schedules are being made up for the season. The main question has been which day will my division play on…..the simple answer, with 20 teams in the league, all the divisions will likely play on all days Mon-Sat. One week your team could play on Monday and Thursday. The next Tues and Friday. Etc. But we hope to have the schedule completed in the next 2 weeks for the season and will post it when we do.
Also, Uniforms have been ordered! We will have by opening day, and will distribute to team managers for distribution.
Other Upcoming Key Dates:
Fri April 7th: GMLB Online store closes. Today is the last day to get your order in (Note products will be delivered to the league for pickup in Greenfield likely by opening day). Please note anyone can order.
Products - Greenfield Little League - Mantis Graphics Inc. (chipply.com)
Fri April 14th: GMLB Discounted Tickets at the Springfield Thunderbirds.
Sun April 30th: Opening Day and this should also be picture day!
Tues May 16th: Annual GMLB 12-Year-Old Red Sox Trip at Fenway Park VS Seattle.
Follow us for more information at www.gmlb.org, or visit our Facebook page!